West Coast Sailors

January 2014

President Obama signed an omnibus appropriations bill, on January 17, that covers the balance of fiscal year 2014 and includes full funding for the MS), as well as funding for other programs crucial to the U.S. maritime industry.

November 2013

Chip Jaenichen, the acting head of the Maritime Administration (MarAd), told the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation that if he is made the permanent Maritime Administrator he intends to focus on identifying ways to revitalize the U.S. Merchant Marine.

October 2013

Matson Navigation Company announced on November 6, it has signed a contract to have Aker Philadelphia Shipyard build two new 3,600-TEU containerships.

September 2013

Legislation signed on October 17, by President Obama to reopen and fund the federal government through January 15, 2014, included full funding for the MSP. The next battle for the U.S.-flag maritime industry is preserving Food for Peace.

August 2013

Testifying before the USCG and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee, former Maritime Administrator William Schubert said, ?Perhaps nothing is more important to the viability of the privately owned U.S. flag commercial fleet than adequate cargo preference enforcement. MarAd must substantially improve its cargo preference efforts to prevent a significant decrease in the number of vessels under U.S. flag.?

July 2013

New legislation announced that will significantly strengthen American ports, including many in the Pacific Northwest.

June 2013

The SUP, MFOW and SIU-Marine Cooks, which comprise the SIU-Pacific District, completed bargaining with Matson on June 29, after ten meetings including those covering the respective Unions? Work Rules and Maintenance Agreements.

May 2013

The SUP, MFOW, SIU-A&G are bucking strong headwinds in bargaining with Matson Navigation Company. The agreement covering the company?s U.S.-flag fleet expires on June 30, as does the SUP and MFOW Maintenance Agreements. The SUP membership has authorized a strike against the company if an agreement is not reached.

April 2013

The drastic changes in the Food for Peace program proposed in President Obama?s fiscal year 2014 budget, prompted Bruce Butler, Executive Director of the Navy League of the United States to send a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada), Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner (R-Ohio), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R- Kentucky) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California).

March 2013

Cash replaces Food for Peace eliminating U.S.-flag carriage of commodities overseas
