West Coast Sailors

June 2011

Congressman Farenthold (R-Texas)
and Presidential Assistant Congressman Paul (R-Texas) introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would allow foreign-flag passenger vessels to embark passengers in one U.S. port and disembark them in another U.S. port.

May 2011

Members of the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation said the Jones Act is critical to the national, economic, and homeland security needs of our country.

April 2011

Piracy is the current scourge of the waters off Somalia, but the longstanding bane on the industry has been the existence of the rotten flag-of-convenience system that exploits mariners worldwide.

March 2011

An ill-conceived proposal floated by the Defense Department to transfer ownership and operational control of the Maritime Administration?s Ready Reserve Fleet to the U.S. Navy?s Military Sealift Command, prompted a response in opposition to Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood.

February 2011

In the wake of Union-busting assaults on worker?s rights to bargain collectively, the AFL-CIO, state labor federations and local labor councils have mobilized for a day of action and solidarity across the United States on Monday, April 4.

January 2011

Governor Walker and the Republican
majorities in Wisconsin?s State Assembly and Senate laid out a plan in a so-called ?budget repair bill? to bust the state?s public employee Unions by denying their 200,000 plus members collective bargaining rights.

December 2010

A report requested by President Obama and prepared by the non-partisan National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling confirms the Jones Act in no way prevented or hindered cleanup efforts following the disaster.

November 2010

A U.S. jury convicted Somali men of piracy on the high seas, the first such verdict in an American court in 149 years, for shooting at a U.S. Navy warship disguised as a merchant vessel.

October 2010

The preliminary report of the so-called bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform released on November 10, proposes drastic cuts to the critical economic lifelines for working people.

September 2010

The U.S. Merchant Marine has been an integral factor in building a secure and wealthy nation since its birth. But, it has fallen on hard times since the 1970s due to weak government policies.
