West Coast Sailors

October 2002

On October 16, U.S. District Judge William Alsup invoked the provisions of the anti-Union Taft-Hartley Act and issued an injunction that prohibits strikes or lockouts during an 80-day ?cooling off? while representatives of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) attempt to reach agreement for a new contract. Alsup?s decision followed a temporary restraining order issued on October 8, which compelled waterfront employers to open up 29 affected West Coast ports and allow longshoremen to return to work.

September 2002

The Maritime Administration (MarAd) launched an investigation that led to recommendations designed to stop the transportation of American military cargoes aboard foreign-flag vessels.

August 2002

In the wake of the award of eight Large Medium-Speed Roll-On/Roll-Off (LMSR) vessels to Maersk Lines, Ltd. by the Military Sealift Command early this month, Patriot Contract Services, a division of American Ship Management, filed a protest with the General Accounting Office requesting that the award be suspended pending a thorough review and investigation.

July 2002

The House Armed Services Committee?s Special Oversight Panel on the Merchant Marine on July 16, held its first in a series of hearings aimed at reauthorizing the Maritime Security Program (MSP) prior to its expiration on September 30, 2005.

June 2002

On May 29, Matson Navigation Company signed a contract with Kvaerner Philadelphia Shipyard for two new containerships. The first vessel under construction is scheduled for delivery in June 2003. The second in April 2004.

May 2002

In response to the national concern for maritime security and legislation that is pending in Congress, the SUP last month, upon request, submitted written testimony to the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

April 2002

The death of a ship's captain on the high seas has brought questions of international law and maritime labor abuse to a U.S. court.

March 2002

In testimony this month before the House Oversight Panel on the Merchant Marine, Maritime Administrator William Schubert reaffirmed the Bush Administration?s support of the Maritime Security Program.

February 2002

In the wake of the IMO's decision not to fully enforce the International Convention for STCW 95 until July 31, 2002, and the U.S. Coast Guard?s determination that the vast majority of American merchant mariners must have been in compliance with the Convention by February 1, the Coast Guard called a meeting of seagoing maritime labor.

January 2002

The STCW Subcommittee of the IMO meeting in London on Jan. 24, agreed to issue a circular letter to port state authorities to issue warnings to flag states not in compliance with the Feb. 1 STCW 95 requirements, however U.S. merchant mariners must be STCW certified by Feb. 1, 2002.
