Welfare Notes - March 2014

March, 2014

Dependent Coverage

Dependents must be added to your health plan enrollment within 30 days of acquiring the dependent by marriage, birth, or adoption. Dependents who are not added within 30 days of becoming dependents can only be added during the Plan?s open enrollment period. An exception is made for dependents who lose their coverage through another plan such as a spouse losing coverage through their employer.

If you need help completing forms, please contact the SUP Welfare Plan office. Be sure to respond to mail, e-mail, or telephone inquiries from the SUP Welfare Plan office that are needed to complete enrollments.

Also check to make sure you have ID cards for your Plan coverage. Most medical plans have individual ID cards for all covered Members and dependents. Many of the dental plans issue only one ID card for the family, but do have all dependents listed in their records.

Reimbursement for Vision Care

The vision care benefit for active participants is allowed once in a two year period. The $200.00 maximum includes the exam and glasses. The cost of tints is not included in the reimbursable amount. The vision benefit is for members only and does not include dependents. An itemized bill must be submitted to the Plan office within 90 days of the service. The bill must indicate the patient?s name, date of service, and an itemization of the charges.

The vision care allowance for pensioners is included in the $500.00 maximum of the Pensioners Annual Allowance for medical, dental, and vision co-payments. Glasses are an allowable expense once in a fiscal year.

Foreign Dental Services for Active Participants

Dental services for active participants performed in foreign countries are not covered by the SUP Welfare Plan. Your Dental plans cover limited emergency services out of area. Claims must be submitted to your Dental Plan for out of area emergency services.


Michelle Chang, Administrator  
Patty Martin  
Virginia Briggs, Claims   
Michael Jacyna, Eligibility